Commercial Air Conditioning

Commercial Air Conditioning

Shopfitter UK Air Conditioning can provide varied fixed installations to suit your office or place of work.

Our Air Conditioning engineer will asses size and heat gain of your chosen office space or entire plant and provide you with a fixed installation to meet those needs.

Fixed installation usually consist of an inside unit with an evaporator this comes in many shapes and sizes to suit your needs these are usually high output cassette type or ceiling mount units, an outside unit condenser can be stood or hung in a non obtrusive position taking as little room as possible.

Save computer down time with dedicated wall or ceiling hung split systems, the cost of this install would pay for itself in lost revenue due to down time. Please ask how we can help you.

New technology means that air conditioning units can now purify your air, add or remove moisture, filter and sent your air as and when you require.

Units come in cooling only mode or in heat pump mode supplying your office with a one solution for cooling in summer and heating in winter all in the same convenient package, also known as reverse cycle units they are economical to run, space saving and relatively cost effective making them an ideal choice for the commercial environment.

Ducted type systems offer a solution to cool several places of the same or separate rooms all from the same condenser.

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