Kitchen Ventilation

Kitchen Ventilation

In order for a kitchen ventilation system to work correctly, both the extract and fresh air flows must be considered and planned for.

If fresh air is not introduced into the kitchen via a dedicated ventilation system, all the air extracted through the canopy will have to be made up of natural infiltration air coming in through any other room opening, (ie doors, windows etc).

The recommendations for natural infiltration air are for 15 to 20% of the total air extracted. This will maintain a negative pressure in the kitchen and help prevent odours escaping into adjacent areas.

Once we determine the technical requirements of your system from noise levels to carbon filtration we organize all the necessary reports for planning application for your chosen system, working closely with planners and architects to provide you with a trouble free installation which will meet all current legislative criteria. We can provide architectural services for planning if you require.

Installation would be carried out by our own teams who have experience in building the systems in our fabrication facility before assembling and testing the finished article on site.

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